Table of Contents:
  • Politics for our time /
  • Theda Skocpol and Stanley B. Greenberg
  • You are not alone /
  • Jeff Faux
  • Economy, the community, and the public sector /
  • Alan Brinkley
  • New social inequality and affirmative opportunity /
  • William Julius Wilson
  • Case for social insurance /
  • Theodore R. Marmor and Jerry L. Mashaw
  • Partnership with American families /
  • Theda Skocpol
  • Political economy of citizenship /
  • Michael J. Sandel
  • Reconnecting people and politics /
  • Margaret Weir and Marshall Cox
  • Battle for the states /
  • Karen M. Paget
  • Championing democracy reforms /
  • Miles S. Rapoport and Marc Caplan
  • Emerging Democratic majority /
  • Paul Starr
  • Reversing Southern Republicanism /
  • Ira Katznelson
  • Globalization, the racial divide, and a new citizenship /
  • Michael C. Dawson
  • Popularizing progressive politics /
  • Stanley B. Greenberg.